
01 | Inward Journey Counts

  • We are masters of ourselves. All of us have some unique strengths and some weaknesses. If we undertake the journey into ourselves, we become more aware about our potentials as well as shortcomings. This voyage is the beginning of having optimal relationship with ourselves and others

02 | Be The Change

  • Change is the only constant thing in the world. If we want to see the change in others, we need to kindle that change in ourselves first.
  • Change in self is possible only if there is self-awareness and commitment to undertake constructive action
  • Our job is to create an environment that fosters this change in people

03 |Live Life To The Fullest

  • Life is full of challenges, obstacles and uncertainties. With efforts, persistence, hope and resiliency, we can face life with better vigour
  • It is not important HOW LONG WE LIVE, but more importantly HOW WE LIVE THAT LONG
  • We are Pilots of our lives. We need to take ownership and responsibility about how we think, feel and act.

04 | Exploring self is invaluable

  • Parents, Teachers and professionals all need self-reflection to connect with the ecosystem that exists within them

05 | Happiness Is A Choice

  • True Happiness does not exist in materialistic things. Only 10% of happiness is governed by these materialistic things like money, house, fame, etc. and 40% is governed by the intentional activities which we do to remain happy
  • Choice, not chance, determines human destiny
  • We can choose to focus and commit to pursuing certain noble life goals, remain optimistic and strive to nurture meaningful relationships
  • Gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, savouring and living in the present moment can bring us positive outcomes and happiness

06 | Experiences Shape Us

  • Research has proven that our brain's neural network is sculpted by our experiences.
  • If we focus on experiential learning which suits individual's learning style (Auditory, visual or kinaesthetic), the retention is optimal.